Clione Fit - Japanese miniature professional apparatus and electroporation mesotherapy. 52 gr only!
Clione Fit combines different functions:
light therapy, RF-therapy, mid frequence interval pulse and EMS.
Changes on the face visible after the first treatment: improves blood circulation, reduces nasolabial folds, wrinkles, oval face clearly, the skin becomes more elastic.
Clione Fit uses waves, which do not cause side effects and help your skin stay young and taut.
Indications for treatment:
- Weak - hypotonic skin.
- "Fatigue", unfortunately looking face.
- Loss of clarity oval face, especially in normal and asthenic patients
- Sagging skin under the chin.
- Naslabial folds - medium and deep (possibly combined with local fillers).
- Perioral wrinkles - wrinkles / fine lines around the mouth.
- Wrinkles and folds forehead.
- Acne, acne, scars.
- Brown spots.
- Crow's feet - lateral periorbital wrinkles / fine lines radiating from the outer corner of the eye.
LED Light therapy and its effect on the skin. LED therapy is widely used in medical practice, as well as aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. This type of therapy has been approved by experts as a safe alternative treatment option without significant side effects. Safety is guaranteed by the fact that LED bulbs do not emit harmful UV rays and heat, the effects of which the patient has to undergo for a long time.
In medical practice, the LEDs used to enhance the effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of cancer. In the field of cosmetology LED therapy is used to reduce the secretions of the sebaceous glands and removal of scars, signs of aging, acne treatment and smoothing skin color. Mainly used nonthermal light or emitted UV rays, thus during heating procedure does not occur that avoids the risk of skin burns.
During exposure to light is able to penetrate the skin, even in the deeper layers and have a positive influence on the cells, contributing to their regeneration. In addition, under the influence of LED lamps cells produce more collagen and elastin - two types of protein which counteract emergence thickened folds and fine lines and small, since elastin - substances which preserves the structure of the skin. In addition, light avoids manifestations of skin lesions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea. LED therapy is a fast but safe and effective care and treatment for all skin types.
MS therapy (electromyostimulation) - strengthening the flabby muscles, improve their tone; reduction and disappearance of cellulite manifestations; giving a beautiful shape flabby buttocks and thighs; improve blood circulation, improve skin structure.
A new feature MFIP - mid frequence interval pulse is added to this device. This feature reduces the pressure (load) on the skin, creating a pulsed effect on skin intermittently procedures improves RF and EMS. The electrical pulse that can be applied intermittently to skin, has massage effect and is possible to enhance the induction effect to skin.