Please check our guarantees via this link.
2018/10/31 | EJ678468968JP | Bulgaria | Thanks, package delivered today |
2018/10/29 | RX021439027JP | Kazakhstan | Got goods, best regards! |
2018/10/27 | EG667872862JP | Russia | I wish you great business! |
2018/10/26 | EG667872831JP | Russia | Price for Lactis is really low! |
2018/10/24 | RA030514945JP | Kazakhstan | You socmetiics is the best, I am your client |
2018/10/24 | RA030514931JP | USA | Prices arte lower than in pharmacies |
2018/10/24 | RX021518793JP | Germany | Real japanese service, |
2018/10/23 | RX021609755JP | USA | Bought gammalon for my child. Thanks! |
2018/10/21 | RA030514914JP | USA | High quality cosmetics, real vip product |
2018/10/21 | RA030514928JP | Kazakhstan | Adant is 5 times cheaper than in russia |
2018/10/21 | EG638484891JP | Russia | Got laennec today. Original product, confirm. |
2018/10/17 | RA030659998JP | Kazakhstan | Good present, good shop. |
2018/10/17 | EG669492694JP | Russia | Touchi helped my mother |
2018/10/16 | RA030659975JP | Malaysia | thank you, goods delivered in 8 days |
2018/10/15 | RX021269288JP | USA | Thanks for chondroitin |
2018/10/14 | EG669492601JP | Russia | Nice to have business with you. |
2018/10/14 | EG669492589JP | Russia | Thank you for original melsmon. |
2018/10/9 | CD181241421JP | Kazakhstan | Goods received, |
2018/10/5 | RA030659940JP | Malaysia | Bought present for wife, she is delighted. |
2018/10/4 | EG669492513JP | Russia | Great quality at optimal price |
2018/10/4 | EG647865916JP | Russia | Thanks a lot! |
2018/10/2 | RX020001230JP | USA | Goods delivered on time. |
2018/10/1 | EG647865859JP | Russia | Thank you fo great work. |
2018/9/29 | EG647865805JP | Russia | I am in love with Melsmon! |
2018/9/26 | EG647865774JP | Russia | Laennec is efficient. Use for 2 years |
2018/9/16 | RA030659689JP | USA | Bought fucoidan, great effect. |
2018/9/10 | EG647865730JP | Russia | Got parcel after 12 days! That was long |
2018/9/10 | EG647865669JP | Russia | Gammalon shows effect. Thank you. |
2018/9/10 | EG647865655JP | Russia | Got goods. |
2018/9/9 | EG647865709JP | Russia | Great japanese service. |
2018/9/9 | EG647865672JP | Russia | Promt delivery and no additional taxes! |
2018/9/9 | EG647865690JP | Russia | Waited for reply for 1 day, but feedback is good |
2018/9/5 | EG647865624JP | Russia | Very polite staff. |
2018/9/2 | RA022194232JP | USA | Got goods, tmany thanks. |
2018/9/2 | RA022194365JP | USA | very effective pain killer EVE |
2018/9/2 | RA022194405JP | UAE | Bought minophagen, good thing! |
2018/9/2 | RA022194467JP | USA | Pleasant staff. Shall use this store |
2018/9/2 | RA022194484JP | Netherlands | Package received today. Thank you |
2018/9/2 | RA022194475JP | Denmark | Proffesional support, great store. |
2018/9/2 | EG647865598JP | Russia | The best service I ever dealt with. |
2018/9/2 | EG647865615JP | Russia | High quality sream and essence. |
2018/9/1 | RA022194436JP | Egypt | I love baby foot! No match for chinese fake |
2018/9/1 | EG647865607JP | Russia | Ordered lactis, great supplement. |
2018/8/25 | RA022194042JP | Bulgaria | Wide choice and pleasant attitude |
2018/8/25 | RA022194056JP | Australia | Very good store, |
2018/8/25 | EG647865553JP | Egypt | Japan is number one! Thank you. |
2018/8/24 | EG647865540JP | Laos | Cosmetics is outstanding and great |
2018/8/22 | EG632938210JP | Thailand | Reliable business partner. |
2018/8/21 | EG632938342JP | Russia | Got in 1 week. Thank you. |
2018/8/19 | RA022194113JP | Kazakhstan | Very good cure, I advice to use it |
2018/8/19 | RA022194135JP | Georgia | VIP quality and support. |
2018/8/19 | EG632938325JP | Russia | Good parcel without problems or custom dues |
2018/8/19 | EG632938339JP | Russia | Great precise work. |
2018/8/11 | RA029308504JP | USA | Got in 4 days, thank you. |
2018/8/11 | RA029308481JP | Germany | Goods received, |
2018/8/11 | RA029308478JP | Lithuania | Bought present for wife, she is delighted. |
2018/8/11 | EG632938308JP | Russia | Great quality at optimal price |
2018/8/11 | EG632938299JP | Ukraine | Thanks a lot! |
2018/8/9 | RA029308455JP | USA | Got parcel yesterday. |
2018/8/8 | EG632938166JP | Russia | I lost 5kg!! Thak you. |
2018/8/6 | RA029308416JP | Egypt | Wide choice of goods, |
2018/8/4 | RA029308402JP | USA | got parcek yesterday |
2018/8/3 | EG632938121JP | Russia | Why the courier did not leave the notice?! |
2018/8/3 | EG632938104JP | Egypt | Shiseido is number one! |
2018/8/2 | EG632938095JP | Russia | Lactis price is really low! |
2018/7/30 | RA029308376JP | Kazakhstan | Arigato!! |
2018/7/30 | RA029308359JP | Russia | Got parcel today, I loiked the present |
2018/7/27 | EG632938081JP | Thailand | Couries brought goods. You asked to e-mail you. |
2018/7/23 | EG632938047JP | Bulgaria | Bought origiinal product. Love it. |
2018/7/23 | EG632938033JP | Russia | Extract touchi is best choice. |
2018/7/21 | EG632938170JP | Russia | Thanks for gift, bath salt is great |
2018/7/19 | EG642172816JP | Egypt | BB essence is the best I ever bought |
2018/7/18 | EG642172802JP | Russia | Competetive price for Melsmon |
2018/7/16 | EG642161495JP | Russia | Very nice shop. |
2018/7/16 | RA029308288JP | USA | Bought with discount! |
2018/7/16 | RA029308274JP | USA | It is nice to have business with you. |
2018/7/14 | EG642173003JP | Russia | Thank you. Received today. |
2018/7/12 | RA029308226JP | Kazakhstan | DX melsmon cream is a miracle. |
2018/7/11 | RA029308190JP | Thailand | Purchase gammalon for 2 years. It works |
2018/7/11 | EG632938501JP | Russia | You asked to notify you once I get goods. |
2018/7/9 | EG632938475JP | Russia | Cancelled the order, got money back. |
2018/7/7 | EG632938461JP | Russia | A reliable business partner |
2018/7/6 | RA029308186JP | Kazakhstan | Courier brought parcel 2 hours ago. |
2018/7/6 | EG632938458JP | Russia | Thank you. |
2018/7/4 | EG632938427JP | Russia | Great shop and potile staff |
2018/7/3 | RA029308169JP | Russia | Japanese service. |
2018/7/3 | EG632938413JP | Russia | Very good store and products |
2018/7/1 | RA029308155JP | Russia | Baby foot is my favourite! |
2018/7/1 | RA029308138JP | Russia | Gammalon received |
2018/7/1 | RA029308141JP | Turkey | Original goods at reasanable price |
2018/7/1 | EG632938400JP | Russia | Thank you for your attitude. |
2018/7/1 | EG632938387JP | Russia | Got parcel, thank you Alex! |
2018/7/1 | EG632938395JP | Russia | Shiseido is number one! |
2018/7/1 | EG632938373JP | Russia | Lactis price is really low! |
2018/6/28 | RA029308124JP | Malaysia | Arigato!! |
2018/6/28 | RA029308115JP | Russia | Got parcel today, I loiked the present |
2018/6/28 | EG632938360JP | Russia | Couries brought goods. You asked to e-mail you. |
2018/6/26 | RA029308107JP | Germany | Bought origiinal product. Love it. |
2018/6/25 | RA029308084JP | USA | Extract touchi is best choice. |
2018/6/23 | RA029308067JP | Monaco | Thanks for gift, bath salt is great |
2018/6/23 | RA029308075JP | Kazakhstan | BB essence is the best I ever bought |
2018/6/23 | RA029308053JP | USA | Competetive price for Melsmon |
2018/6/22 | RA029308019JP | Switzerland | Very nice shop. |
2018/6/22 | RA029308022JP | Russia | Bought with discount! |
2018/6/21 | RA022193740JP | Ukraine | It is nice to have business with you. |
2018/6/21 | RA022193807JP | Russia | Thank you. Received today. |
2018/6/20 | RA022193753JP | Bulgaria | DX melsmon cream is a miracle. |
2018/6/20 | RA022193815JP | Russia | Purchase gammalon for 2 years. It works |
2018/6/19 | EG639953525JP | Israel | You asked to notify you once I get goods. |
2018/6/18 | RA022193767JP | China | Cancelled the order, got money back. |
2018/6/18 | EG639953517JP | Russia | A reliable business partner |
2018/6/14 | RA022193736JP | Hong Kong | Courier brought parcel 2 hours ago. |
2018/6/14 | EG639953503JP | Saudi Arabia | Thank you. |
2018/6/12 | EG639953494JP | Russia | Great shop and potile staff |
2018/6/10 | EG639953485JP | Italy | Japanese service. |
2018/6/10 | EG639953477JP | Russia | Very good store and products |
2018/6/9 | RA022193705JP | Egypt | Baby foot is my favourite! |
2018/6/9 | EG639953446JP | Ukraine | Gammalon received |
2018/6/8 | EG639953415JP | Russia | Original goods at reasanable price |
2018/6/8 | EG639953401JP | Russia | Thank you for your attitude. |
2018/6/7 | RA022193719JP | Russia | Got parcel, thank you Alex! |
2018/6/6 | RA022193679JP | Lebanon | Buy lactis for my family every month. Thanks! |
2018/6/6 | EG639953389JP | Russia | Timely delivery and good service. |
2018/6/1 | RA022193585JP | Egypt | Thanks for good word |
2018/5/31 | EG639953358JP | Russia | Parcel well received. Thanks |